Hi Newgrounders,
Back in 2006 I set up and operated a small phpBB community oriented towards current events and political discussion. It was fun. It did not require much commitment from anyone (including myself). Eventually it died out, and afterwards I was left with the impression of a good experience.
Today on a whim I decided to re-activate that forum, and re-design it with an aim towards creating a modest outlet for members to showcase their creative work including music, visual art and photography, creative writing, films and games. The idea is to create a small but open space for self-promotion and discussion. If this peaks your interest consider stopping by.
The NG BBS no fun? They got some real blowhards in the Politics forum :| General, is basically what it says... run of the mill discussions, but we got some unique folks here.
I'm only registered to an email and this place... oh, and thanks to the internet, PayPal and Etsy :\ I'd much rather mail a check, dammit.
Good for you; it must be nice being registered to only a few services. It's true that some of the forums here are better than others. And like anywhere else there are certain members that seem to have registered only so they can troll and antagonize other members. But I like the Newgrounds community overall.